Fried Pie Country: Staying Fat and Happy

fried pies
delicious fried pies

Northerners have this thing called coffee. (Yes, I know we drink it here in the South too, but Starbucks and the like were nonetheless alien to the South until the early 90’s.) Down here we have sugar.

It makes sense too. Northerners have to get up in pitch black and dig their cars out of snowbanks in order to slide to their job at the yeti farm where they earn enough money to go curling in the evenings and pay for their costly sunning and tanning beds (used occasionally for growing personal amounts of medicinal marijuana, wink, wink, and to dispel their seasonal depression.) Who does this sort of thing without coffee?

But in the South we get up to songbirds and Willie Nelson (preferring our marijuana second-hand) and desire something a little more substantial before we set about our rigorous work of riding and roping broncos. What says substantial Southern breakfast better than fried pie?

Read moreFried Pie Country: Staying Fat and Happy

Photos: Smarmy Imagination Robbers?

Me at Senior Prom, being quirky, not dorky.

I’m a picture mooch.  You know the type.  They never bring a camera, never take any pictures, but always ask you for yours after you get home.  “Hey man, can you e-mail me those pictures? Or just post ’em on facebook.”

I can’t help it.  Pictures!  I love them, and I hate them.  On the one hand I feel like they are grubby imagination robbers, dipping their spindly little tendrils into my memories and yanking out the more colorful truths of the experience.  Back!  You filthy gremlins!  I mean isn’t my imagination more brilliant than Kodak’s?

Who wants to remember what a moment actually looked like, when I can remember it however I want?  I was quirky in high school, not dorky.  I can see it now…

On the other hand,

Read morePhotos: Smarmy Imagination Robbers?