Your Personal Anthem

Serenity, Firefly class vesselIf nations have anthems, why shouldn’t you? I mean, what’s the difference between a large united aggregate of people organized around something in common and all the united aggregate stuff of you? Very little, if you ask me.

So what’s holding you back? Today is the day, my loyal readers. Focus on that deep internal pool of self-centeredness and pull out your personal anthem. If you’re the type to create something from nothing with musical instruments then take that route.

But for the rest of us, luckily there are plenty of previously created songs for us to steal choose from. (You’re dying to know mine, aren’t you?) First, there are several things to consider when co-opting a musician’s creative endeavor for your own self-indentification. Let’s begin.

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RRS Roundup: Lizard Brains and Terminal Viscosity

This week on Read it! Review it! Share it! I’m highlighting a couple of Indie eBooks I’m pretty dang sure you haven’t read but that you should enjoy. The Reality War Book1: The Slough of Despond Some of you may recognize the “slough of despond” from the classic tale, “Pilgrim’s Progress.” The connection is just … Read more RRS Roundup: Lizard Brains and Terminal Viscosity

Read, Review and Share (RRS)

Charton Heston holds the ten commandmentsRRS has formed the backbone of human society since man invented the stone tablet and Charlton Heston went Biblical on it. It’s true.

All forms of art, communication and societal organization rely on informed participants passing on their opinions. The same is true for the written word. And especially the independent writer/novelist such as yours truly.

Here is an example of a recent success story.

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