Breaking Down the eBook eVerse

GreenPorch Winter of eReadingLet’s crawl before we walk. The eBook eVerse is a dangerous place where the second letters of words are capitalized rather than the first. And if you’re not ready for it, those second letters will pop up out of nowhere and knock the reality right out of you.

So, for lesson one we’ll address the individually orbiting particles that make up the eVerse. (We’ll deal with their complicated interactions over several more posts.) Just like the universe of your favorite sci-fi series, the eVerse consists primarily of 1.) space 2.) navigational systems 3.) vehicles 4.) space ports or home worlds. (Throw in a Klingon or a Reever here and there for dramatic tension, and we’re ready to rip.)

Let’s break it down.

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Get Doc Quick Intro. & Index

When everything’s come out sideways, there ain’t nothing but to take what’s left and get clear. But when a man ain’t got nothing left, what then? Get Doc Quick–Mad Max in a Model T. First, an introduction. Hidely-ho, reader. I’m the writer best known as David Mark Brown and the infamous RedneckGranola. You may know me … Read more Get Doc Quick Intro. & Index

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