RRS has formed the backbone of human society since man invented the stone tablet and Charlton Heston went Biblical on it. It’s true.
All forms of art, communication and societal organization rely on informed participants passing on their opinions. The same is true for the written word. And especially the independent writer/novelist such as yours truly.
Here is an example of a recent success story. Richard Bard is another indie author, in many ways like me. He started his writing endeavors a few years ago and has two self-published titles in the Kindle store on Amazon: BRAINRUSH, a Thriller (Book One) and BRAINRUSH II, The Enemy of My Enemy (Book Two)
He has rocketed to the top of the Kindle best seller list with both of his books, and is on his way toward being one of the 1% of self-sustaining novelists today. He’s a great writer. That certainly helps. But he also has over 400 reviews on Amazon! (for comparison, I have 21).
Reading a book certainly comes first. Nothing can stem out of words no one has read. But if a reader stops there, then the conversation dies with that reader. (If the book sucks, that’s probably a good thing!) So I’m starting up a weekly post here on the Green Porch called Read, Review and Share (RRS).
Each Saturday I’ll post a short review of the Indie books I’ve read (and enjoyed). For your part, I’ll ask that if anything catches your eye, Read it! If you’ve already read it, Review it! If you’ve already reviewed it, Share it!
To get you started I’ll ask that you test out the system with my first two novels:Fistful of Reefer and The Austin Job (Reeferpunk)
I know that many of you have already read one or the other. Thank you! (If you haven’t, then Read it!) If you enjoyed it (or even if you didn’t, ’cause negative reviews are conversation as well) please take the time to Review it! and Share it!
Folk like me live or die based on reader word of mouth. Amazon reviews are currently the largest reader mouth out there. And remember, my kids need wine!