

I am also working as a freelance writer in several areas including Christianity, wine, sustainability, social justice and green building.  You can check out my work by following any of these links.

The Examiner

Palate Press

Hopefully much more to come…


Tainted Love: God, Sex and Relationships for the Not-So-Pure-at-HeartMy first book, Tainted Love, was published in 2002.  You can read excerpts at Google Books, and buy it at several locations.

Truth. Sex. Relationships. Dating. Lust. Isolation. Selfishness. Freedom. Impatience. Passion. Angst. Sin. Purity. Courtship. Envy. Beauty. Obsession. Experience. Pornography. Light. Defeat. Gratitude. Hope. Respect. Community. Love. That’s a lot to think about, isn’t it? Opening your mind and heart wide to whatever may enter can leave you exposed and unsafe. But closing yourself to God’s beauty in its many forms leaves you empty and ignorant, and you still are not safe. David Mark Brown leads you along the perilous trek through spoiled relationships, perverted perceptions and frustrating debates about whether Jesus would date, court, hang out with or linger near the other sex.In the midst of the mess he points out the resting place of God’s pure beauty, where despite failed efforts, and perhaps even through them, you can be whole.

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