Unearthing the Hemp Textile Underground

circle creationsThe quest continues.  Yes, I am wearing my hemp pants as I type, but my hunger for answers has not been satisfied.  Why are nice, hemp pants (other than meditation pants for the mamby-pamby metro-sexual type) so hard to find?  Is it possible that they don’t exist, or exist only like world peace and low fat cream?

Well, I have unearthed a hidden realm where hemp clothing abounds.  Well, it is more of an unincorporated settlement than a realm, and by “abounds” I mean exists.  But that is good news!

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Car Sharing, Who’s Caring?

u-car-shareU Car Share, a division of U-haul, has arrived in Salt Lake City.  I know, I know.  I hate U-haul.  Talk about a company with horrible working conditions and nightmarish service.  But try to put all that aside.  Rather than pump more black smoke from poorly maintained moving vans, U-haul is trying its hand at appealing to the student, the office jockey and the granola urbanite.

U Car Share provides another alternative, alongside riding a bike or taking a bus, to individual car ownership.  This sort of thing has been going on for years in romantic locals such as McMinnville, Berkeley, Portland and Madison.  But, alas, I have never lived in any of those places.  I do, however, live in Salt Lake City.  Thus I should be thrilled to have access to car sharing.  Yeah!  Woohoo.  Yep.  Hizzaa.  Woopty doo.

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