Hempcrete: The Building Block for a Hempier Future

hempcreteSustainable building is an albatross for a world stranded in the sea of global warming.  So many of our resources are tied up in the construction, maintenance and operation of dwellings.  And all too often these dwellings have been seen as our combative ways to keep the outside world at bay.  Nature, a pox on thee!

The good news is that there are more and more people out there bringing the inside world into closer harmony with the outside world.  Ooam.  Ooam.  No, I don’t mean by focusing your chi or by feng shui or anything hocus pocus.  I simply mean it is time to start making homes out of our surroundings instead of trying to separate our homes from our surroundings.  It is so much more considerate and less huffy.

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Cannabis Should be Eaten, not Smoked (Sheesh!)

hempnutcompositionAlthough bland at first glance, hemp’s most important role may very well end up  as a part of our diet.   Hemp is a monster when it comes to proteins and essential fatty acids (EFA’s).  These two things are the reason we should all be growing hemp in our backyard gardens.  (Note to DEA:  I don’t have hemp in my backyard garden.  I don’t even garden, or have a yard.  I promise.)

Many may disagree about whether the earth is in the midst of a food crisis or overall shortage.  If we all played nice, mabye everyone could have enough (fat chance).  We do know that in the U.S. we are losing farms, farmers and farm land.  But, there is much less disagreement that we suffer globally from a food distribution crisis.  Certainly portions of the earth surface lack sufficient food stuffs to feed the people that live there.  And seeing how lack of vital resources like food can cause mayhem and destruction of life that ultimately reaches even us lazy Americans on our couches, we should probably care that others lack food.  Enter hemp, stage right.

Read moreCannabis Should be Eaten, not Smoked (Sheesh!)

Earth 2100 Got me Thinking… Oh Crap


Can we get there?  Within the last 15 minutes of ABC’s show, Earth 2100, a positive picture of our potential future was painted.  (How is that for alliteration?)  The interviewed experts posed that it would be possible to perform the heavy lifting of global clean-up by 2050, with only the peripheries to remain after that.  Really?

Now, many bloggers and commentators have spoken out that the first 100 minutes of the show were simply too devastatingly depressing.  I don’t know.  I thought the bulk of the show was pretty entertaining.  Instead, it was the end that brought me crashing down into middle of the afternoon, bathrobe shuffling, bacon eating depression.  If the bright, hopeful version of our future requires us to bond together globally in loving harmony in order to completely revolutionize our cultures, values and worldviews…  I think I just peed a little.

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