Roaming the Rocky Mountains with a Loincloth and iPod

Well… not exactly, but I will be quite a ways from any sort of civilized mode of communication beyond smoke signals and a sharp poke in the eye.  Not to fear, I feel it time to finally bring up the little matter of the wonder plant, hemp, when I return. For now I leave you … Read more Roaming the Rocky Mountains with a Loincloth and iPod

The Leased, the Last and the Loser.


I keep wondering when the “lease revolution” is going to take hold for the individual consumer?  But alas, the stigma of “leasing is for the least” seems to be clinging to our culture like stank on the unshaved armpits of a female U of M (Montana) graduate.

Part of this could be due to the fact that the only two real players in the consumer leasing business are Rent-a-Center and Aaron’s.  And RAC seems to be doing more payday loans and high price rentals that anything.  I’m still a little foggy about what Aaron’s actually does.  Both stores are mysterious via website.

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Rednecks Will Save us from our Computer Overlords

250px-john_connor_t4I remember a time when stuff used to be done with a creative combination of craft, human dexterity, ingenuity and the computing force of the human mind.  When the final product rose triumphantly out of its raw materials the creator knew exactly what it contained and what it was capable of and how to keep it capable of that.  Now it is only a matter of time before we look to John Connor to deliver us.  I realize Connor isn’t a stereotypical redneck, but he’s a redneck stuck in a suburban rat body (play along, come on).

Seriously, am I the only one who remembers such UIL competitions as “Number Sense?”  

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