Onetruepants is at the same time both a movement and a product.
OTP is a social experiment involving the continual wear of a single pair of hemp pants for as long as they can last. More concretely, OTP is an actual pair of pants. 100% hemp, these male dungarees have been hand-crafted in the U.S. by Kish Carter in a collaborative effort with David Mark Brown using organic Romanian hemp obtained through fair labor practices.
They have been designed to function truly and perfectly in both form and function. They are pure and holy. They are indeed, One True Pants.
So what gives, you may ask? David Mark Brown will wear a single pair of one true pants continuously until they wear out by being rendered no longer acceptable and/or effective as clothing according to North American standards. The one true pants will be removed from David’s body once a week in order to be machine washed and gently tumbled dry before being put immediately back onto David’s fit and sleek physique. As the days, weeks and years roll by, it will be revealed to the world through a massive social networking structure that Onetruepants is indeed a force of global salvation.
If you ain’t gonna go naked, onetruepants are the next best thing.