RRS Roundup: Dryads and Burial Mounds

This week’s Read it! Review it! Share it! involves an urban fantasy coming of age tale laden with Native American lore. An enjoyable (if not flawless) performance. (I’ve been watching too many olympic competitions.) The Dryad’s Kiss (2nd Ed) (The Chronicles of the Mighty Finn) I’ve gone and read another young adult book! It just … Read more RRS Roundup: Dryads and Burial Mounds

Cannabis: Brain Killing 529 Plan

Helen Lovejoy“Won’t somebody please think of the children!?” ~ Helen Lovejoy, one act pony.

The reefer madness just keeps getting worse and worse on both sides of the issue. And it’s a noodle scratcher to be sure.

I mean, how on God’s green earth can we ever be expected to resolve this terrible conflict over the mild narcotic, marijuana, that can be grown in almost any climate by anyone and currently provides drug lords all over the world almost 90% of their revenues?

African 529 Plan

Now African grandmothers responsible for aids-orphaned grandchildren are becoming the newest link in the evil multi-tiered drug pyramid run amuck. Won’t somebody please think of the children?… Oh, wait.

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Writing Page One De Novo

mutation of DNA double helixIn the beginning. De novo. Anew.

For a writer there is nothing more thrilling and terrifying than sitting down to write page one, paragraph one, word one. And it is my personal belief that this process looks like a bell curve.

For true beginners the excitement far outweighs the terror, and it should. For ignorance is bliss. If every pre-baptized writer were to catch a glimpse of the suffering they must undergo to adequately finish what they have so flippantly begun he/she would shat him/herself and take up knitting.

If the uninitiated knew the terrifying difficulty of condensing the entirety of their novel’s ethos into a page,

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