Rednecks Will Save us from our Computer Overlords

250px-john_connor_t4I remember a time when stuff used to be done with a creative combination of craft, human dexterity, ingenuity and the computing force of the human mind.  When the final product rose triumphantly out of its raw materials the creator knew exactly what it contained and what it was capable of and how to keep it capable of that.  Now it is only a matter of time before we look to John Connor to deliver us.  I realize Connor isn’t a stereotypical redneck, but he’s a redneck stuck in a suburban rat body (play along, come on).

Seriously, am I the only one who remembers such UIL competitions as “Number Sense?”  

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Redneck Sustainability: Keepin’ it General

tractor-fixWhen did it happen that most Citizens of the U.S. lost the ability to grow or find their own food without having a kazillion other people involved in a half-dozen different stages of bringing it to them?  When did we lose the ability to get to work without highly trained specialists to insure we can get there?  When did each of us get so highly important and specialized that no one could possibly replace us?  How many times this week have you used the word niche in a conversation?

It’s getting worse isn’t it?  I know, its probably my fault.  My grandfather could palpate a cow,

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Last Redneck in the Woods

You’ve never really been outdoors until you’ve been blessed to hear the gentle and drunken midnight-laughter of a gaggle of rednecks in the woods.pabst

Now I realize that if you have spent much time in the wilderness then you have probably stumbled upon the remains of a redneck circle and might have been disgusted at what you saw.  Tell tale signs of a redneck circle may include such items (but not limited to) Pabst Blue Ribbon cans, spent shotgun shells, rifle casings, dried vomit and empty containers of assorted propellants.  But let’s not leap to judgment here.

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