Woodbank Helps Make Life a Little Easier

Well, here is a potential answer.  A week ago I commented on the difficulty of morally responsible consumerism in regards to finished wood products.  I found this great resource via “Materialicious” and had to pass it on.  Woodbank gives you a place to buy and sell salvaged, reused and certified wood.  It’s pretty cool and … Read more Woodbank Helps Make Life a Little Easier

Like Handing Out Condoms?


Question:  Is providing free sleeping structures for the homeless like passing out condoms to the randy?  I came across this article yesterday, via the Tiny House Blog, about EDAR (Everyone Deserves a Roof).  Peter Samuelson has developed this little shelter that is a cross between a shopping cart and a commercial sized laundry cart.  It provides mobility during the day for caring or collecting goods and a shelter at night.

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New Tricks With Old Bricks

I found a recent study, albeit a small one, done in the UK that brings up an interesting question (even if it doesn’t provide too many answers).  New Tricks With Old Bricks, a study done by the Empty Homes Agency, tries to show that an old refurbished home can be just as “green” as a new build.  Now by “green” in this particular study they are referring only to the home’s carbon emissions, or as we refer to it across the pond, carbon footprint.  While they did include embodied carbon and operational carbon they only studied six homes, and they projected the totals over a fifty year period.

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