Oblivion, Calamity and Disaster: L.A. Lakers to Blame

I can see the headline now:  California disintigrates into oblivion after massive calamity of natural disasters.  L.A. Lakers to blame. You know you are thinking it.  Will God judge all of California because of the haughty arrogance of Kobe Bryant?  Should he?  Well, in my opinion, yes.  Through watching the Lakers banish all on-comers this … Read more Oblivion, Calamity and Disaster: L.A. Lakers to Blame

Cutting a Deal with Dirt

earthfromspaceWhat should our relationship with the dirt under our feet be? Physically, emotionally, spiritually and legally?  Legally?  Yeah, why not?  That is exactly what the country of Ecuador has asked and answered in a new constitution they have drawn up between the land and the people that live on it.  Yep.  Nature in Ecuador now has rights of its own.  I know, I know.  It is bad enough, right, that there tree huggers.  Now there are dirt and ground huggers too.

The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), a U.S.-based nonprofit, teamed up with the Ecuadorian government to bring to life this “earth-shaking” and “ground defending” legal document.  They have yet to see how, or if, it will work (it was only put into place in Sept. of 2008), but it is kind of mind-blowing to think about.  How would the very fabric of our daily lives shift if the ground we walked, worked and lived on had actual, legally binding rights?

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350! Spartans and Global Warming

300movieposterTheir can be glory in death.  It is true.  But Lord, not in a prolonged, asthma induced suffocation due to a humanly inhabitable planet.  But never fear!  350 is here!  Bill McKibben is still alive and kicking, and while he ain’t no Leonidas, he along with alot of others have started up 350.org.  The movement and the number are based on the report put forward by the NASA climatologist guy (James Hansen) in 2007 that said that if we don’t reduce the amount of CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere to below 350 parts per million and pronto we will be screwed (meaning human life could meet some rather sucky hurdles of death).

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