Ah, nothing smells like an Amazon Blitz in the morning… or afternoon… or evening. The time has come once again for the rowdy fans of the Green Porch (and yours truly) to rattle some digital cages over at the Kindle store.
If you’ve been patiently awaiting your chance to sink your teeth into the latest installments of the Lost DMB Files (formerly known as Reeferpunk. I know, I know. What was I thinking?) The time is now. So spread the word, click buy! and hunker down for a read.
For more on what the Lost DMB Files are click this.
***Twitch and Die! is the new novel. And the short, McCutchen’s Bones, is included with Twitch and Die! as a bonus.
All known Lost DMB Files
Here is the chronoligical order of all the currently known lost files. Click on their names to jump to the Kindle store.
- Reefer Ranger (Lost DMB Files #9)
- Del Rio Con Amor (Lost DMB Files #14)
- Fistful of Reefer (Lost DMB Files #17)
- The Austin Job (Lost DMB Files #18)
- Hell’s Womb (Lost DMB Files #22)
- Get Doc Quick (Lost DMB Files #24)
- McCutchen’s Bones (Lost DMB Files #25)
- Twitch and Die! (Lost DMB Files #26)
- Paraplegic Zombie Slayer (Lost DMB Files #35)
- The Fourth Horseman (Lost DMB Files #43)