Schism 8, Ep 2: The Green Ones

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On this episode of Schism 8, I narrate scenes two and three of the first episode of The Green Ones. Good stuff.

Calli and Olin have survived the attack on the perimeter defenses, but Olin is slipping into a coma (his second in the past two years). Calli has been told that if her brothers suffers a second coma he won’t wake up. Neca, a chadzitzin psych-fighter stumbles onto the scene and offers to help them escape detection by authorities. Now they have to find a place to lie low while Calli tries to brew up more medicine for her brother. But will Calli be willing to risk the repercussions for seeking shelter with one of the most nefarious criminals of Worker City?

Find out, as the exciting story continues! And above all, enjoy the show!

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