The Porch’s Winter of Reading (e-style)

GreenPorch Winter of eReading

GreenPorch Winter of eReadingThe buzz acronym for your winter will be GPWeR — the GreenPorch’s Winter of eReading. (Trendy insiders pronounce it /Jeep’ – wer/). All winter the GreenPorch will be filling you in and keeping you up to speed with everything eReading/eReader.

Blog posts will include such informative gems as: “What’s a Kobo?”, “5 reasons I don’t suck like other Indie Authors” and “Top redneck eReads.” You’ll find out what happens when you kindle a nook of your pad. And of course there will be plenty of GreenPorch style tell-all industry secrets (stuff I make up and spread as truth).

But seriously.

Read moreThe Porch’s Winter of Reading (e-style)