Smashwords Challenge

The time has come. Whether you inhale or not, it is time to get your free Fistful of Reefer from (Don’t worry about the free thing. I’ll ask you to buy it next week from Amazon in my next post. I know, so demanding!)

[dropcap2]F[/dropcap2]istful of Reefer has skyrocketed up the “Best Seller” chart on Smashwords to the number 16 spot since uploading it on July 13th. But, only the first 10 make the first page, and you know how it is. When you google something how often do you look past the first page of results? So Fistful needs to climb 6 more spots in order to get additional publicity. Rabid FREE downloads from all my loyal fans can push Fistful over the top! (FREE offer expires on July 28th!)[divider]

Get your Fistful(s) today!

Even if you plan on waiting to read the Kindle version, or you never plan on reading my stinking book anyway (or you never learned to read). Go and download a copy today. You can even download additional copies to email to friends (downloading addition copies basically just gives you legal permission to copy it yourself because books on Smashwords have no protective measures.) So feel free to spread the love.

It’s time to make this thing go viral. I don’t plan on making my pennies from all my beloved friends and fans, but from all those strangers out there who haven’t yet discovered the life altering bliss that is Reeferpunk. And your download is one of the best ways to get the word out (and this time it won’t even cost you). While you are there, don’t forget to download Reeferpunk, Volume One of short stories (which is also climbing the short stories chart).[divider]

Leave a review

Lastly, if you’ve already read Fistful or the shorts then please leave a review. I have one review currently. Only five more (5 star) reviews will put me on page one of the “Highest Rated” novels participating in the summer sale on Smashwords. Getting on this list would be another coup d’état for Fistful.

You guys rock! Thanks so much for your faithful support.

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