The campaign begins.
I first heard the term BoDo 10 years ago while living near the Depot in Boise. Thus began the campaign to reimagine the once desiccated interior of the thriving (ill-planned) capital city of Idaho.
At 83,000 residents Nampa, Idaho is the second largest city in the state. Both the redneck and spiritual center of the state, Nampa is the rural, God-fearing workingman’s urban hub.
After a stint in Utah, my wife and I have returned to Idaho. Not to the empty rustling of Boise, but to the soul-cleansing pace of Nampa. Having suffered a series of brutal economic blows and setbacks, downtown Nampa now teeters at the brink. Or maybe it’s a turning point.
Step aside BoDo. It’s our turn. It’s time for some DNT. (Official revival name yet to be determined, but work with me on this.)