It’s always difficult to describe a life-altering moment before it happens. This is one of those, for you. I know the phrase “life-altering” gets tossed around these days by so many Benny Hinn impersonators and beer commercials that it’s hard to believe I still have toenail fungus and less than perfect, sun-kissed abs (I mean, you would think a cube of Miller Light a day would do it). But I use the phrase justly.
[dropcap2]Y[/dropcap2]ou may not yet know what Reeferpunk is. For most of you, I’m certain that on the surface you don’t want to. Reefer and Punk? Didn’t we grow out of the former in the seventies and the latter in the eighties? (I was only 5 the day the seventies died, December 31st, 1979. So I missed the first round.) This may be so, but you put the two things together and they transcend their former realities. Like peanut butter and jelly or wine and popcorn.