Sanctity of Zombie Life

Caution sign for zombiesThe time has come to announce the announcement of pulling back the curtain on my next novel. Why is this important? you may ask. (Thanks for the vote of confidence.) I’ll tell you, my loyal readers.

If you value the sanctity of life, both that of humans and savage zombie-like post-humans, then my next novel is essential for both your entertainment and education. Currently, I am in process of writing (take a deep breath) the seminal piece of literature addressing the rights of zombie-esque beings.

I hesitate to attempt to express how important the publishing of this novel will prove to be for current and future generations for a few reasons:

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Jackasses Will Always be With Us

Haterade image for Get into the Head before JockFor the fourth and final installment of The Green Porch’s Guide to Courteous Critique, I’m expressing my confusion. Is it fashionable to hate apples because they don’t taste like oranges? So why do people think it’s legitimate to read pulp fiction and then hate on it because it isn’t teen romance?

And has anyone noticed hate-nastics often include all the same buzz phrases? Are these auditions for The Next American Jerk-A? Look, I get it. It’s easier to sound smart when criticizing something than when praising it. Every monkey loves his banana. But to describe it as thick-skinned, moldy and lacking pungency makes me sound like one cool gorilla.

That’s why part four of the guide is about ignoring the inevitably erroneous critiques when we get them.

Ignore them, they won’t go away.

What was it Jesus said about the poor? That they will always be with us. This wasn’t intended to let us of the hook when it comes to caring for them, but it was meant to help us prioritize. If Jesus were writing this post he would tell everyone that jackasses will always be with us.

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