Firefly: a New Conspiracy Theory

[This week I’m reviving a classic post from two years ago. Gosh darnit, it’s just so timely.] In case you are unaware, the best show on T.V. to never finish a single season is incontestably and unarguably Firefly. It aired and was cancelled in 2002. Many diehard, Firefly freekies will tell you the show was cancelled … Read more Firefly: a New Conspiracy Theory

Vin Diesel’s Cunning Revives Riddick

riddick international posterNext to Firefly and it’s spacefaring crew, Riddick has long been the science fiction character I’ve most wanted to see resurrected. That dream has come to pass thanks to a clever play by Vin Diesel himself. The Hollywood Reporter revealed on September 4th that Vin Diesel managed to swap Riddick rights for his cameo appearance in Tokyo Drift back in 2006.

Pitch Black, released in 2000, enthralled me instantly. I absolutely loved the character of Riddick and couldn’t believe there weren’t reams of books or comics or something. This first Riddick movie did well enough for The Chronicles of Riddick to come along in 2004 and queer the deal. The larger budget follow-up only managed $16 million in profit. That would have been enough of a flop to kill the character if Diesel hadn’t acquired it.

Now the actor has staked his pocketbook (and then some) on the third entry into the life and times of Riddick.

Read moreVin Diesel’s Cunning Revives Riddick

The Browncoats are Coming! Firefly Returns?

The call for Browncoats from Firefly to unite

When it comes to fan fervor for favorite television show, no one beats the Browncoats (sorry all you Klingons. Qapla!) And recent news indicates that victory for the rebels may be within reach for the first time in almost ten years of struggle. For those of you who have spent too much time on Alliance planets or are just returning from deep space, Browncoats are the independent survivors of the one-season television show, Firefly.

Within the show Browncoats are essentially confederates that lost a cosmic civil war to the Alliance. In first life (or what some people refer to as “reality”) Browncoats are viewers and fans who have remained faithful to the cause of reviving Firefly from its “canned” grave at 20th Century Fox.

Hold on to your laser pistols, but one of the most controversial cancelations in T.V. history could be returning from the grave.

Read moreThe Browncoats are Coming! Firefly Returns?