Evolution of an Indie

Evolution of an Indie

In the lightning fast world of electronic writing and publishing, surviving for a year makes your a veteran. That means I’m ancient, with skills beyond the pale. Thusly, I will now pontificate to all who gather round. (Hey, this is the Green Porch, so take off your shoes and stay a while.)

Eons ago I posted on the definition of an Indie. I won’t rehash that, but suffice to say (I know, snooty, isn’t it?):

  • The definition of indie is fluid
  • Every indie is different
  • Every indie evolves
  • No indie is independent

So what about me? Here is the story of my evolution thus far.

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RRS Roundup: Cemeteries and Brainrushes

 This week on Read it! Review it! Share it! I’m mixing it up. A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B. First, the more dramatic and gritty of column A: Cemetery Street A darker, post-modern take on Bridge to Terabithia. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a young adult book, but … Read more RRS Roundup: Cemeteries and Brainrushes

Why Your Indie Novel Stinks

Greg BrownHow many of you have ever gone to a classical guitar performance in which the instrument was splendidly crafted, the musician inspired and the music selection brilliantly uplifting, and yet the performance sucked because the guitar was terribly out of tune?

(Wait a second. You’re telling me you’ve never been to a classical guitar performance? Not even in college to impress a girl/guy?) Of course the answer is none of you. It’s ridiculous to think a professional or even amateur guitarist would be so asinine as to put hours of practice and hundreds of dollars into such a performance and yet simply fail to tune the instrument.

You see where I’m going with this?

Read moreWhy Your Indie Novel Stinks